The Development of Leaders: What Being More Conscious Means, Cam Danielson, Integral Leadership Review, v 21, December 2021

The turbulence of a new or modern way of life that challenges an older, established understanding of reality has become a truism …

Beyond the Horizon: Glimpses into the Lives of Exceptional Leaders

Cam Danielson

“Beyond the Horizon: Glimpses into the Lives of Exceptional Leaders" is a series of stories, reflections, and insights about living and leading wholeheartedly in an age of rapid transformation. It is told through the lives of an extraordinary group of people who operate at a deep level of being. They have made the work of building a rich inner life the means for greater adaptive capacity. This is revealed in their candid stories and lessons for continual growth and development. 

Mediation & Union: The Function of the Divine Feminine in the Process of Individuation

Pamela Fuhrmann

“Mediation & Union: The Function of the Divine Feminine in the Process of Individuation” marries mythology and psychology in the exploration of the archetypal qualities of the divine feminine as they relate to the Jungian theory of personal development. Through a review of the mythologies of the Sumerian goddess Inanna and the Christian Virgin Mary, this study examines the aspects of the divine feminine as they relate to furthering consciousness, individually and collectively. Pamela contends that within the complexity, uncertainty, and change apparent within the modem era, the most vital developmental objectives align with the mediating and uniting attributes of the divine feminine. This alignment is most apparent through the capacity to hold dialogue with, interact with, and know other; balance the tension of paradoxical and liminal states which arise through a relationship with other; mediate and reconcile contraries; and thus press towards wholeness and self-actualization. What is explored herein is a wisdom that evolves through relationship with "other," whether it is the inner other, another human being, or self in relation to world.